Thursday 16 April 2015

Finding out I was Pregnant!

1. Adam was the first person to say 'Maybe you are pregnant' I had had quite a few signs but was totally in denial about it. 

2. First sign was my Mums dog, Todd, acting really strange around me, he is normally all over me and quite boisterous but he changed. He used to run up to me & then run away and sit down! He wouldn't jump up at me and was really calm around me. Later on in to my pregnancy he used to lay with his head on my tummy. 

3. Second sign was coming home from work skipping dinner and just going straight to bed & sleeping all the way through.... No one can warn you about the tiredness. I remember Adam getting in from work and coming upstairs asking me where I was and Id be asleep! Adam asked me what was up and I said maybe I had an under active thyroid...! 

4. Unfortunately for me I had to go and have a filling, after I had a client meeting ten minutes down the road however I had to pull over as I thought I was going to be sick. I went all dizzy and my head was banging. I remember it being boiling hot and thinking oh my god I'm having an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic I have just had. I rang my manager panicking that I wouldn't be able to attend the meeting. Somehow I made it to the meeting and made it through the meeting.. I remember droplets of sweat on my forehead... And having to breathe really deeply to try and stop the sicky feeling! Awful! 

5. The last sign was hilarious because it all happened in one day - Mothers Day. I had booked for my Mum&I to have afternoon tea as a treat in Oxford. When we arrived we were given these HUGE glasses of prosecco.. I just couldn't drink it! Which is unheard of, and what I did manage to drink went straight to my head. After loads of sandwiches and cake we went off to Bravissimo to get measured. The lady laughed at me as the Bra I was wearing could barely contain my boobs! She measured me and I had gone up TWO cup sizes...! She then said to me, 'your boobs look really swollen are you due on' And thats when it finally dawned on me that I hadn't had my period and that just maybe I should buy a test....! 

Its amazing what the body can do, and what its trying to make you see! After buying four tests and doing three of them which all clearly stated I was pregnant I was still unsure and thought they were wrong. I waited until the Friday and did the last one, again the lines were right there! Thats when I finally booked my doctors appointment and started to think oh my god is this really happening! I hope you enjoyed reading this and tag me in any of your posts if you have done one similar! 

Love Emily x

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations hun, For me it was my boobs too and I'd just done a marathon and slept for 2 days straight xx
