Thursday 12 February 2015

Becoming a Mummy

So this blog has been completely  abandoned but thats simply because life has been a whirl wind! I had my little girl, Eadie, on the 16th December (12days late) and all I want to do is look at her so blogging took a back seat! Now she is here and in a routine I intend to get back in to blogging - I will still do beauty reviews but I believe more than anything this will become a diary of my journey through motherhood! 

Eadie was 8 weeks old yesterday.... Time has flown by and I am the happiest I have ever felt. I shall include a picture of the little monkey below, and will crack on with some baby related posts for the future! 

I shall be making an effort now to blog as much as I possibly can whilst enjoying every moment with her! 


Emily & Eadie 

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