Wednesday 25 February 2015

10 Things I have learnt since having a baby!

1. Everyone says it but you will not understand until you have one of your own. There is no love quite like it. As soon as I met little Eadie after five long horrendous days I melted. She became everything and I love her more and more each day.

2. Sleep deprivation is 100% torture. I love my sleep - always have always will. Nothing can set you up for the sleepless nights. When I was pregnant towards the end I would be awake in the night as I would get uncomfortable. I told everyone if was practise for when the baby arrives. How wrong I was! I can not describe how tired I was in the first 2 weeks.... Madness. If anyone offers to help take that chance to sleep! If baby sleeps - sleep. You have just gone through a massive ordeal, your body needs to recover. You must sleep! 

3. Your house will not ever be the same. I admit it I am pretty house proud, Im sure I have ocd. But once you become a parent you need to let go - a little. I find it really hard. I exhausted myself by trying to keep up with everything house related and look after a newborn and lastly myself. Some days my Mum would come round and say I looked grey - I over did it! Ask for help. I hate asking but I am learning to now.

4. You wont want to go out but you should. You will be so obsessed by this gorgeous little baby you have made that you wont ever want to leave her! However it is so important for you to have an adult conversation, catch up with friends, get dressed up and have a date night. So many people have said to me to look after my relationship with Adam, to make time for us and we have with the help from my Mum who is always happy to watch Eadie. Staying in your pjs is heaven but you will feel so accomplished on leaving the house and wearing makeup! 

5. This kind of goes against No.4. Do not beat yourself up if you just cant go out. There have been evenings that I have had to cancel, simply because I have been exhausted. Real friends will understand. You have a new baby for gods sake, you aren't bloody wonder woman. You can always rearrange when its more convenient. 

6. Your first trip out with baby is pretty scary so make it a short one with as little stress as possible! So to start with I was terrified, I thought I cant possibly go out I struggle with the car seat or the pram. Or what if she screams, or what if she does a poospolsion..! These are all things you just have to deal with. I am now a little pro at the car seat and chucking the pram in the boot. Ive dealt with a few screaming episodes where passers by look at me and smile sweetly (you will be surprised by how lovely people are) And I have dealt with some awful poosplosions... One which resulted in binning clothes! The more you get out and about the better. Maybe a little walk on your own with pram for your first trip. 

7. Baby brain doesn't go away. I will admit it I am away with the fairies! I forget what I am saying, I forget the point I am trying to make. I take trips out to get certain items and come back without. I leave my keys in the front door. I am awful! I thought once I had her it would get better - it got worse. Now I have her to think about too Im just cuckoo! 

8. To enjoy every single day. Before Eadie I was a bit of a moaner.. A bit of a depressive at times. But since having her I have learnt to enjoy every single day. You learn how precious life is and you just stop taking things and people for granted. Im not saying I was an awful human being before but since having her I am happy every single day. It may not last the whole day but just seeing her smile or watching her sleep melts my heart.

9. Learn to say no. In the first few weeks you will be bombarded with phone calls, texts, visitors. Its really overwhelming. One of my good friends (Hayley if you are reading this - its you!) Said to me when you come home from the hospital make sure you limit the number of people you have round and we really did. I didn't even feel mean about it, I knew that Adam, Eadie and I needed time as a family and to adjust and enjoy every moment. People will get the arse but those people probably haven't had a baby yet themselves. Make time for your little family unit and don't be a afraid to say no to visitors. 

10. Things do get easier. Do not put so much pressure on yourself to form a routine. Just chill. I got myself in such a tizz about this to start with. I read two books that really helped with routines and we are now in a much better place. Just know that things will fall in to place and it does get easier. 

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you have learnt and if you think I am completely bonkers! 

Love Emily xxx

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